Local Economy Forum: podcast introducting local and regional economic development

16 Episodes of educational video setting out the principles and practice of local and regional economic development.

Topical podcasts and commentary on current challenges and issues facing local and regional economic development.

Click here to view the youtube podcast site. Or click on the thumbnails below to access the videos.


Foundations – Episode 3: Introduction to local economic development functions

Episode 3 gives an overview of the main local economic development functions, including: intelligence & strategy industries enterprise inward investment innovation labour markets education & skills poverty & inequalities place-based regeneration green economy institutions. In subsequent episodes, we go on to discuss and give introductory guidance for each of these functions.

Key principles

There are two key principles that I employ in our approach to local economic development and the services and expertise I offer.

The first principle is that: Economic Development builds Prosperous Inclusive Communities that are Sustainable (EPICS).

The second princple is that: My mission is to help build great economic development organisations.



ABCD competency framework

Is your organisation A, B, C, or D at economic development – are you an Amateur, Beginner, Competent or Dynamic?

Throughout this podcast series we will illustrate what the concepts and tools mean in practice, and what kinds of behaviours and approaches are demonstrated by Dynamic, or great, economic development organisastions and teams.