It was our pleasure to work with London First on this project and final report!
A powerful new report has been launched today by London First. Whilst it summarises the known strengths, challenges and opportunities facing England’s regions, it represents a bold statement of joint devolution principles and next steps from private sector representatives.
At mylocaleconomy, we think these proposals are sensible, yet bold:
1 – The ‘devolution first’ principle
If a policy or task can be most effectively developed and delivered at a subnational level, then steps should be taken to ensure that it is devolved to the appropriate regional, city or local level
2 – Clear objectives and simple and transparent measures of success
There are established final outcomes for effective devolution, and the most appropriate form and mechanism of devolution is put in place to achieve these
3 – Genuine new powers and resources for regions, cities and localities
That can be managed and deployed flexibly according to the actual opportunities and needs facing an area. Regions, cities and local areas need their own revenue raising powers and financial instruments
4 – Cross-functional approaches
That provide ‘joined-up’ solutions, and transcend the traditional ‘silo’ approach to government policy and delivery, and enable regions, cities and localities to collaborate
5 – A statutory framework and a long-term settlement
For any new powers or system of decentralisation to be effective it needs certainty and continuity over a 10 to 20 year timespan at the least. We need to move beyond the time-limited initiatives and stop-start nature of past policy
“Further devolution is a key mechanism in unleashing growth and development across the UK’s great regions and businesses are ready to collaborate with civic leaders to make that a success. The North has great ambition and plans to grow our economy and share prosperity more widely and this report is a welcome step in connecting that ambition to a wider cause”
George Beveridge, Chair of Business North