our services
We specialise in urban, regional and local economic development. We are experienced professionals who have advised national and local government leaders and officials.
We inform decision makers with our high quality analysis, influence the local and policy community with our clear and effective communication and influencing skills, design and manage strategies and projects, and help clients access funding and resources.
And we work across traditional silos – we are research professionals, communications and policy advisors, can do a fantastic Green Book project design, and a track record in winning funding.
Meet our team
We work with experienced professionals and thought leaders.
Glenn Athey, Director
UK expert on local, city, and regional economic development
Senior Management Experience in the public and consultancy sectors
Hands-on experience with senior stakeholders and politicians
Practical, purposeful and solutions-driven
At cutting edge of policy and practice - particularly in low carbon, enterprise, skills and inclusion
I'm Glenn Athey - an economist, economic developer and public policy expert. I work with cities, localities and regions to help them understand their economic challenges and opportunities, and what they might to do help improve wealth, economic inclusion, and meet the climate change challenge.
My career in numbers:
- 6 Senior Executive positions: Centre for Cities, London Development Agency, East of England Development Agency, GCGPLEP, Cambridge Econometrics and Mylocaleconomy
- 14 years in public and non-profit sectors, 12 years in consultancy, 4 years in postgraduate study (with Scottish Enterprise)
- Managed budgets of up to £25 million
- 9 business / operational plans for an economic organisation or directorate since 1998
- Lined managed 30 staff since 2006
- 25 local / regional economic strategies since 1998
- Over 3000 stakeholders around the UK consulted, over 100 workshops and focus groups since 1998
- Over 100 presentations and speeches
- 42 local/ regional economic studies and reports since 1998
- 46 sector, innovation or industry studies since 1998
- 18 funding bids supported, helped to win £323m since 1998
- 25 project evaluations since 1998
- 7 major re-engineering / improvement reviews since 1998
- 6 international studies since 1998
My clients are always handing me challenging assignments as they trust me to deliver on them.
The kind of opportunities I seek - whether a permanent role or consultancy projects - are those that span economics, evidence, policy and solutions development.
I've had a career spanning 30 years working with and in economic development organisations around the UK including Scottish Enterprise, London Development Agency, the East of England Development Agency, and I was the CEO of Greater Cambridge Greater Peterborough Local Enterprise Partnership.
I've done groundbreaking work on enterprise, innovation, skills and labour markets. I was Head of Research at the Centre for Cities, establishing its first research plan, securing core funding from the Gatsby Trust, and the first editions of the influential annual Cities Outlook report and event. I wrote my PhD working with and sponsored by Scottish Enterprise on good practice in economic development agencies which also took me to Ireland and Germany.
Current and recent projects
- Forth Valley Skills Strategy and Action Plan
- Wolverhampton Green Innovation Corridor Prospectus
- Future of Local Growth Funding report for Local Government Association
- A Green Economy and Jobs Strategy and Action Plan for North of Tyne Combined Authority
- Providing a review and future plan for the UK Innovation Corridor
- Helping the UK Atomic Energy Authority examine some of the local benefits from fusion energy
- Helping the London Borough of Tower Hamlets understand its inward investment offer and opportunities
- Reviewing energy efficiency policies and initiatives in London
- Reviewing trailblazer Local Skills Improvement Plans
- A Vision for Urban Growth and Recovery for the Local Government Association.
In 2020 I advised six localities on the emerging economic impacts and risks from Covid-19, and have worked on Local Economic Recovery Strategies.
I currently mentor 4 young professionals, and offer 25 days of pro-bono time per year. In 2023 I have worked with The Work Foundation on Insecure Work on pro-bono time.
mylocaleconomy advisors network
Mark Beresford
International technology business
Mark specialises in technology business, international trade and investment. Between July 2016 and March 2021 he was a Technology Specialist with the Department for International Trade and since then has worked on global trade & technology related projects with Tech Nation and a global financial services company.
Mike Spicer
Enterprise, advocacy, lobbying and policy
Mike is a policy and economics expert and was formerly the Director of Policy at the British Chambers of Commerce. He spent a decade at the BCC representing the interests of business to government, and as its lead spokesperson on local growth issues. His successful campaigns achieved policy changes across all areas of business life.
Pete Tyler
Global urban and regional expert
Peter Tyler is a Professor in Urban and Regional Economics in the Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge and President and Fellow of St. Catharine’s College. He has an extensive track record in undertaking research with a particular emphasis on urban and regional economics and industrial policy.
George Bennett
Property, place and funding
George is an expert in property, place and funding with expertise in capital funding and grant appraisal and programme management.
Karl Dalgleish
Economic development and evaluation
Karl has significatn experience in business improvement, enterprise, innovation and technology, low carbon and renewable energy, ICT and technology, health and housing, innovation, public policy and sectors/clusters. He has assessed many social, employment and skills programmes too and has expertise around social inclusion and culture.
Dominic Williams
Property, regeneraiton and planning
Dominic is a career expert on property, planning and development, regeneration, social mobility, economic development, regional policy, transport. He was Chair of the FSB’s Policy Group for Growth and Devolution 2010-2020.
Hot prospects from emerging markets
We have developed an exciting specialism over the past two years, analysing emerging markets, new technologies and the prospects for local growth
We have been working closely with a leading global foresighting consultancy and data provider to bring greater understanding and insights into the capabilities and prospects for a UK region. This includes emergent markets such as Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, Space, Satellites, Biopharmaceuticals and Electric Vehicles. Please get in touch to find out more.
Informed decisions
We tell you what the numbers mean and what you should do about them
We are different – in a very accessible, high impact style we tell you what the numbers mean, and how this should influence policy, strategy and practice. We are economists with a vast amount of experience working with the public and private sector, and informing and influencing policy and funding outcomes.
Influence & advocacy
Persuading local stakeholders and advocacy to national policy makers
We have provided high profile advocacy reports, contributing to campaigns, including the collaboration between London, the Northern Powerhouse and Midlands Engine. We monitor government policy and messaging and reflect this in our client advice and policy development work.
Manage boards, projects & services
We are experienced public sector managers and civil servants
You can hire our combined technical and management skills with our outstanding public policy, communication and project management experience. We can help you to set up, design, manage and deliver projects. We can help convene and facilitate boards and partners.
Every city, region and local area is different - we listen, learn and we custom build economic strategies
We love learning about new places, and how places we know have changed. We are skilled in listening, understanding, and differentiating city, region and local economies. We specialise in building unique local, “bottom-up” economic strategies that also play into national policies and funding conversations.
Funding bids
We have 25+ years of experience in successfully bidding for government funds
We’ve been writing Green Book compliant funding bids since 1998. We have a track record of winning bids. Economic rationale, project concept, impact appraisal, options appraisal, theory of change, logic chains, BCRs… this is second nature to us.
We love challenging assignments, complex opportunities, and intractable problems. Our vocation is to help city, region and local economies succeed and for prosperity to be sustainable and shared.
We deliver genuine insights, based on local conditions and dynamics. Our reports, outputs and advocacy are better than most other advisors and consultancies you will find in the market today.
You are a leader, director or head of service. Like us, you are a passionate advocate of cities, regions and local economic policy and practice.
Are you as ambitious for your local economy as we are?
Do you need our help with a project or task that is very challenging, but has big rewards?
Want to win hearts and minds so partners and stakeholders get behind your priorities, plans, and delivery?
We can help.
S2E5: Debates – 10 realistic policy options and mechanisms for a short-term boost to local economic growth
The Labour Party, in its manifesto has emphasized economic growth as its main avenue towards increasing tax revenues to help improve public services and help address some of the opportunity challenges and problems in the UK economy We should also think about the...
S1E4: Foundations – Lessons from history: UK local and regional economic policy
This is Episode 4 of the Foundations videos in Series 1. The Foundations Series 1 is intended to provide people with a background to understanding local and regional economic development and urban regeneration. A short summary of the what the video podcast covers is...
S2E4: Debates – What can we learn from the previous Labour Government (1997-2010)?
The previous UK Labour government that was in power between 1997 and 2010 was very active in local and regional economic development and regeneration. I could write a book and talk for hours about the main lessons (as well as mistakes) from this for the next Labour...
Get in touch.
We are based in Cambridge, UK, and work and meet clients all over the UK. Of course, we have access to MS Teams and Zoom as well. Get in touch if you want to discuss an idea, project, or just want an informal discussion about your work.
Please get in touch using the form below or call us on 07799 880137
(international +44 7799 880137)
Contact form
mylocaleconomy is the trading name of Athey Consulting Limited, a Limited Company registered in the UK (Company no. 07771760) and based in Cambridge, UK. (c) Athey Consulting Limited.