You are a leader, director or head of service. Like us, you are a passionate advocate of cities, regions and local economic policy and practice.

Are you as ambitious for your local economy as we are? 

Do you need our help with a project or task that is really challenging, but has big rewards?

Do you want to win hearts and minds so partners and stakeholders get behind your priorities, plans, and delivery?

We can help.




We love challenging assignments, complex opportunities,  and intractable problems. Our vocation is to help city, region and local economies succeed and for prosperity to be sustainable and shared. 

We deliver genuine insights, based on local conditions and dynamics. Our reports, outputs and advocacy are better than most other advisors and consultancies you will find in the market today.


S2E5: Debates – 10 realistic policy options and mechanisms for a short-term boost to local economic growth

The Labour Party, in its manifesto has emphasized economic growth as its main avenue towards increasing tax revenues to help improve public services and help address some of the opportunity challenges and problems in the UK economy We should also think about the...

S1E4: Foundations – Lessons from history: UK local and regional economic policy

This is Episode 4 of the Foundations videos in Series 1. The Foundations Series 1 is intended to provide people with a background to understanding local and regional economic development and urban regeneration. A short summary of the what the video podcast covers is...

S2E4: Debates – What can we learn from the previous Labour Government (1997-2010)?

The previous UK Labour government that was in power between 1997 and 2010 was very active in local and regional economic development and regeneration. I could write a book and talk for hours about the main lessons (as well as mistakes) from this for the next Labour...

S2E3: Debates – What does the labour party manifesto tell us about local and regional economic policy?

The UK Labour Party Manifesto was published this morning (13 June). Here's a quick summary, and some thoughts below. 5 missions (which have already been trailed in the past month: 1) Economic Growth 2) Clean energy superpower 3) Crime 4) Break down barriers to...

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We are based in Cambridge, UK, and work and meet clients all over the UK. Of course, we have access to MS Teams and Zoom as well. Get in touch if you want to discuss an idea, project, or just want an informal discussion about your work.

Please get in touch using the form below or call us on 07799 880137

(international +44 7799 880137)

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mylocaleconomy is the trading name of Athey Consulting Limited, a Limited Company registered in the UK (Company no. 07771760) and based in Cambridge, UK. (c) Athey Consulting Limited.