
We can increase your influence with stakeholders and Whitehall x 10 and give you the ability to shape priorities around your policy agenda.

Our reports, strategies and advocacy pieces are so well written – they are designed to win local and national hearts and minds and make Ministers sit up and pay attention.

influence and advocacy

A Vision for Urban Growth and Recovery – setting the urban agenda for the next decade – for the Local Government Association for England and Wales

Commissioned by the City Regions Board of the Local Government Association (LGA) and written by Glenn Athey, Cambridge Econometrics and Profession Pete Tyler from the University of Cambridge, this report analyses the impacts of COVID-19, current economic challenges and opportunities, and sets out a new vision for urban growth and recovery.


Mylocaleconomy provided comprehensive management, facilitation, research, intellectual input and facilitation to deliver the London Stansted Cambridge Corridor Growth Commission which led to the foundation of the UK Innovation Corridor.

S2E5: Debates – 10 realistic policy options and mechanisms for a short-term boost to local economic growth

The Labour Party, in its manifesto has emphasized economic growth as its main avenue towards increasing tax revenues to help improve public services and help address some of the opportunity challenges and problems in the UK economy We should also think about the...

S1E4: Foundations – Lessons from history: UK local and regional economic policy

This is Episode 4 of the Foundations videos in Series 1. The Foundations Series 1 is intended to provide people with a background to understanding local and regional economic development and urban regeneration. A short summary of the what the video podcast covers is...

S2E4: Debates – What can we learn from the previous Labour Government (1997-2010)?

The previous UK Labour government that was in power between 1997 and 2010 was very active in local and regional economic development and regeneration. I could write a book and talk for hours about the main lessons (as well as mistakes) from this for the next Labour...

S2E3: Debates – What does the labour party manifesto tell us about local and regional economic policy?

The UK Labour Party Manifesto was published this morning (13 June). Here's a quick summary, and some thoughts below. 5 missions (which have already been trailed in the past month: 1) Economic Growth 2) Clean energy superpower 3) Crime 4) Break down barriers to...

S2E2: Debates – What does evidence tell us about the UK regional economic problem?

Is the UK regional and economic problem really that bad? and why is there so much press about weak UK growth, when on international comparative terms - it doesn't look so bad? This podcast by Glenn Athey examines the UK's economic performance, and highlights where...

S2E1: S2 Debates – Episode 1 Advice to the new UK government in 2024

Episode 1 of Series 2 reflects on Glenn's 30 years of professional experience working in local and regional economic development in the UK and gives some advice for the next government that will enter power after the July 2024 election. This is part of Series 2 which...


mylocaleconomy is the trading name of Athey Consulting Limited, a Limited Company registered in the UK (Company no. 07771760) and based in Cambridge, UK. (c) Athey Consulting Limited.