Delivering Levelling Up? How secure work can reduce regional inequality
This year it was great to be an adviser on, and contribute to The Work Foundation's latest report, authored by Rebecca Florisson - on...
Applying climate change actions to local economic development functions
Confused by the new models of sustainable development and how to apply them to your local economy? The more I reflect on my experience...
LEPs reach the end of the road – what’s next?
So the UK Government finally confirmed they'd be winding up LEPs after briefing in May 2022 and announcement in the March 2023 budget that...
LEDTV: video on hot tips for local green jobs and the low carbon economic transition
One-minute video on tips for delivering local #greenjobs and the low carbon economic transition, #netzero for local economies:
What do I want from a new UK government for local and regional economies?
There's going to be a General Election sometime over the next 18 months in the UK. It seems a long way off what would you like to see...
A Local Green Economy and Jobs Strategy and Action Plan
It was my great pleasure to work with Cambridge Econometrics in 2023 to develop a Green Economy and Jobs Action Plan for the...
2023: The year ahead
2022: in brief For the local economic development community - 2022 was another challenging year. The global and national events and issues...
Monitoring your local economy during an economic crisis
In this article we discuss how monitoring an economic crisis will help you understand the impacts and implications for your local economy...
September update: the local economic development “new year”
September’s the month when I begin my new company year, when the summer is over and most projects have been finished and put to bed in...
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